Sunday, December 29, 2019

African Slaves And The Slave Trade - 995 Words

At the beginning of the fifteenth century the Atlantic slave trade was at its peak. Many believe that only Europeans benefited from having Africans as slaves, but they are wrong. Africans of different tribes would destroy settlements, capture the villagers, and sell them at the market as they were a baked good at a farmer’s market in today’s society. Europeans and Africans both played a major role in the slave trade and are both to blame for the capturing and selling of African slaves. African’s played a much bigger role in the Atlantic Slave trade than the ones being enslaved. King Affonso I was an African King who worked hand-in-hand with the Europeans during the slave trade. He thought since his slaves were either criminals or Prisoners of War it was ok to have them as slaves. When Affonso wanted to quit being part of the slave trade his reign as King began to fall, â€Å"Kongo was in disarray and the authority of its ruler greatly undermined† (Stroyer, 706). Affonso started losing control when he could no longer decide what to trade and when to trade with Portugal. Portugal took full advantage of this fall of power and traded as they pleased. Even though King Affonso wanted to stop the slave trade he is still at fault. Almost going forty years with capturing, buying, and selling Africans, wanting to stop wasn’t going to erase what he had done in the past. King Affonso was just one example of an African working with Europeans to make money for his kingdom. Another example ofShow MoreRelatedAfrican Of The African Slave Trade Essay1547 Words   |  7 Pages Back in the day they did not have laws to protect those who were getting discriminated against, and it got out of hand. One of the largest scale attempts at genocides to ever occur was slavery. The African Slave Trade, spanning almost 350 years was a horrid genocide that killed millions of Africans, as well as wiping out villages. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Homework Example

Essays on Homework Essay Finance accounting homework External factors. In understanding the winery business, there are factors that affect the business either internally or externally. These factors affect the profitability of the business and some affect the management and day to day operations. For instance, Chateau Americana a winery firm is affected by some of this factors. After interviewing key personnel in the company that includes the vice president, the chief financial officer, and the vice president of marketing they brought out some of these factors. Firstly in the winery business the industry its self is faced by many challenges. For instance, the anti-alcohol campaigns reduce their sales and also make marketing of their products complex. The awareness of individuals in relation to alcohol makes it expensive to market a product from the winery company. In addition, the government has imposed high regulations on the winery business. These regulations include the quality of wines production, high taxes for sale of wines and expensive licences introduced. Furthermore, there are other external factors that also affect the operations of the winery business. Competition for customers in the winery business has advanced to extremely high levels. This makes it expensive for the marketing department. Notably high competition implies high production costs for the company in general. These factors, however are not in the control of the business. They happen externally, and the business can do little about them Nature of the company Chateau American is wine a brewery company that is mainly dwells in production of beer and wines. The company has major departments that include the management, production, finance, and the marketing departments. The company has seen significant growth in its profits over the recent past. This is despite the challenges faced by the winery business. However, the company has not fully achieved its desired goals and objectives. Objectives and strategies For instance, the company has various objectives that are yet to be achieved. For example, the company aims to maximize the returns to shareholders and at the same time preserve funds that maintain the working of the company. The company also aims at expanding the distribution of their products internally and externally. The company also aims at providing a good working environment for its workers and a proper rewards and remuneration program. Review of company’s financial performance Chateau Americana has enjoyed reasonable growth in sales over the last three years and has increased their retained earnings to an approximate of $3.7m. Their balance sheet is strong, and it is also noted that their current ratios are lower than the industry average. The accounts payable have increased, and their equity ratios are higher than the industry average. Control environment Control environment can be defined as the general attitude of the management and their awareness in the actions they take. From the interviews, the management of the company is responsible for all the financial statements of the company. Making information available to auditors and maintaining the internal control of the company. They also maintain control that the company maintains compliance with the state laws and regulations. Factors affecting Chateau Americana business risk The first factor that affects chateau Americana’s business risk is the competition. With rapid competition being witnessed in the winery business, it puts to risk the achievement of the objective of maximizing the returns to shareholders. Competition leads to a reduction of sales, high marketing costs and additional operations cost. These factors put to risk the achievement of the company’s goals and objectives. Another factor that affects the business risk of the company is the laws and regulations of the state. The state has imposed laws on production, sales and marketing of winery products. These laws inhibit Americana from working freely in order to achieve the goals of the objectives of the firm. For instances laws to limit production and sales will lead to fewer revenues. Fewer revenues translate to no fewer returns to shareholders that are a core objective of the firm. Technology is another factor that affects the Affect America’s business risk. To maintain high levels of technology in production, the company must forfeit most of its revenues. Therefore, the company loses large amount of cash in a move to maintain the developing standards of technology. This puts at risk the achievement of objectives such as expansion of the company. Internally also there are factors that puts achievement of business objectives of Americana at risk. These factors include innovation, incentives, politics and mismanagement, poor organizational structure, and lack of stability. These factors hinder the achievement of the goals of expansion, and provision of a conducive working environment for the employees. Misstatement risks associated with accounts Based on the knowledge of Chateau Americana, the accounts that are likely to have a lower risk of material misstatement are the assets accounts. These is because the assets accounts of chateau Americana are definite, and proper records to this asset are available. However, accounts that are likely to have misstatement risks are the ratio accounts. The operations of the company are faced by major fluctuations that will put at risk the recordings made for ratio accounts.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Heracleitus Fragment 72 Essay Research Paper It free essay sample

Heracleitus Fragment 72 Essay, Research Paper It is hard for one to understand the way of Heracleitus? fragments without looking at the fragments together as a whole. Therefore, in pulling upon his fragment numbered 72, which states, ? The assemblage ( Logos ) : though work forces associate with it most closely, yet they are separated from it, and those things which they encounter daily seem to them strange, ? one must mention to several other fragments before its significance can be clear. In an Ionian vena, Heracleitus assigns transmutations of affair, or basic elements, to exemplify the psyche and Logos. He identified fire as the rule component of nature and creative activity, and assigned it to both the psyche and the Logos. As for the Logos, that which gathers the existence, he states, ? The bolt of lightning ( i.e. Fire ) steers the existence, ? ( Fragment 64 ) and? This ordered existence, which is the same for all, was non created by any one of the Gods or of world, but it was of all time and is and shall be ever-living Fire, kindled in step and quenched in step? ( Fragment 30 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Heracleitus Fragment 72 Essay Research Paper It or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In several fragments he besides ties this into the psyche, saying that wet and wetness will destruct a psyche in Fragments 12 and 36 and asseverating that a? dry psyche is the wisest and best? in Fragment 118. From this, it becomes easier to pull the connexion between the Logos and psyche, and to understand why, in Fragment 72, Heracleitus begins by saying, ? The assemblage: though work forces associate with it most closely? ? Man is closely associated with this assemblage, or Logos, because he portions a common component with it, and is tied to it at all times by incorporating this Logos within himse low frequency, which can be seen through Fragment 115: ? The psyche has its ain assemblage ( Logos ) , which increases itself. ? Basically, this assemblage and adult male are One, bing within one another. Yet, frequently adult male is non cognizant of his connexion to the Logos. Heracleitus explains that adult male frequently walks around in waking as if he is asleep, in a province of unknowingness. ? As for world, they are incognizant of what they are making after they wake, merely as they forget about what they did while asleep? ( Fragment 1 ) . Alternatively, adult male carries out his being cognizant merely of himself, disregarding his deeper relation and Oneness with the Logos. ? But although the Logos is cosmopolitan, the bulk live as if they had understanding curious to themselves? ( Fragment 2 ) . This deficiency of understanding leads to a confusion on the portion of adult male, ? and those things which they encounter daily seem to them strange? ( Fragment 72 ) . Absorbed in himself, immersed in this waking dream-state, adult male fails to hold on the connexion between antonyms and the harmoniousness of the existence. Alternatively, adult male illusions himself separate from all other things, neglecting to see how, like the articulations mentioned in Fragment 10, he exists as a separate being and yet one connected to the Logos at the same clip. ? Not understanding, although they have heard, they are like the deaf. The adage bears witness to them: ? Present yet absent? ? ( Fragment 34 ) . Man can non, basically, break up this connexion to the Logos, that which he is unchangeably linked with, although he may neer derive witting consciousness of the connexion itself. Thingss will go on to look unusual to him, and he will stay? present yet absent? in his day-to-day activities.