Saturday, May 16, 2020

Questions On Economic Databases And The Government And...

Rachel Piekarskie Stephen Dansky Economics Macro ECO2013 M W 8:00 AM 10 October 2015 Quiz #1- Take Home Potion- Economics Databases For many years, the government and private companies have collected data on inflation, GDP, unemployment, housing starts, interest rate, money supply and many other things. In this essay I will describe what economic databases are and how businesses, individuals, and the government use the information from the databases. The information I will use and present will be from the years 2004, 2009, and 2014. The data used will regard topics such as GDP, interest rates, and unemployment. The first database I will use is called the World Economic Outlook Database which is reported by the International Monetary†¦show more content†¦The third database I used is called Economy Growth and the information is reported by The World Bank. â€Å"Economic growth is central to economic development. When national income grows, real people benefit. While there is no known formula for stimulating economic growth, data can help policy-makers better understand their countries economic sit uations and guide any work toward improvement. Data here covers measures of economic growth, such as gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national income (GNI). It also includes indicators representing factors known to be relevant to economic growth, such as capital stock, employment, investment, savings, consumption, government spending, imports, and exports.† To access the Economy Growth database look up world data bank economic and the website is the first hyperlink. The fourth database I provided is called The World s Foremost Full-Text Source of References to Economic Literature. â€Å"This resource provides links to full-text articles in all fields of economics, including capital markets, country studies,

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